By luck, we found this book in the library after visiting story time,which was extremely rare when you look at the short time window we normally get before little Zonni starts feeling hungry. Its called Crunch! by Carolina Rabei.
We never talked about children books before simply because its such a daily normal thing for us. With a wide range of kids books in 3 languages provided by our families (sometimes it feels like a competition: P), we might take it for granted a bit.
It’s our little habit to read stories before bedtime, kids love flipping over the pages and pretend to be storytellers. Crunch! joined our reading list 2 weeks ago, even after we’ve returned the book, little Zonni still keeps asking about him.
Crunch! is a really cute story talking about how a guinea pig, who loves food more than anything, finds out that friendship is even more precious.
It’s simple wording, kids-friendly drawings and the tiny details of the story make their brains curious about every page. To us, Crunch! is a perfect book to translate into different languages without getting stuck in the conversion of the content.
A smooth and comfort story time is all we need before our kids head off to dreamland. Plus, putting such a sweet story in their sleepy heads is one of the best and most rewarding moments of the day.